In what cases are Endodonti and Periodonti Operations Used?
Endodonti :
Tooth Decay
Tooth Cracks
Periodonti :
Gum Inflammation
Tooth Record
General Information About Endodonti
The endodontoperation, also known as canal therapy, is the treatment method referred in cases where the nerves have lost their function, which is too deformed to treat themselves. The nerve is responsible for both its development and defence, including the feeding of the tooth. Serious problems ocur when the nerve cannot function.
Canal treatment operation is completed within an average of one hour with local anasthesia in the area where it is necessaru.
General Information about Periodonti
Dental plaques are the main cause of periodonti disorders. Bleeding, inflammation, deformation may occur in the gums of the people depending on dental plaques. Depending on all these results, there is also a severe bad breath problem in people. In the periodonti operation, the necessary needs of the patient are determined and the cleaning process is started. The first step in the periodonti process is the meticulous fulfillment of the oral care that the doctor has conveyed, as important as the doctor’s intervention is, the more important it is.